Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Penticton

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Friendly, Personalized, & Comprehensive Eye Exams 

We want you to look forward to your regular eye exam. That’s why Dr. Zak prioritizes your comfort and understanding, making your eye care experience pleasant and informative. He listens carefully to your questions and concerns and encourages conversations about your vision and eye health.

Regular eye exams are important in diagnosing and managing eye disease. We focus on helping our patients deal with age-related changes to vision, such as macular degeneration, vision loss, complex vision, and more.

Our goal is to create a welcoming environment for our patients. Contact us to book an appointment today!

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How Often Do I Need to Get an Eye Exam?

We recommend adults between 20 and 39 receive a comprehensive eye exam every 2 to 3 years. The risk of eye disease increases as we age, so we recommend that adults between 40 and 64 receive a comprehensive eye exam every 2 years.

We recommend a yearly comprehensive eye exam for adults 65 and older. Other health conditions may change the frequency of your eye exams.

During Your Eye Exam

Our friendly staff, including our dogs Taye and Seamus, will greet you upon arrival. We’ll then use various technologies to assess your vision and eye health and review your medical history.

During your comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Zak, you can ask questions and raise any concerns. He is committed to providing thorough eye exams, explaining each step so that you understand the process. 

Our goal is to make you feel comfortable during your visit. If you need a furry companion during your visit, you can borrow Taye or Seamus!

The Importance of Eye Exams & Eye Health

Regular eye exams are important because they aid in early detection of eye disease and help maintain overall health and well-being. An eye exam allows your eye doctor to find eye diseases, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, even before you notice any symptoms. When these sight-stealing diseases are detected early, we can take measures to protect vision more effectively.

Additionally, your eyes can tell us if you’re living with other systemic health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. If you’re living with diabetes, you have a higher risk of certain eye conditions, so we recommend yearly eye exams to help prevent vision loss.

Book an Appointment

If you’d like to experience a comprehensive eye exam with an eye doctor passionate about helping people, contact us to schedule one today.

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Our Address

  • 462 Main Street
  • Penticton, BC V2A 5C5

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